Why YOU Should Wear Black Too - Let's Talk About Women's Rights

You may be wondering why the red carpet at the Golden Globes was actually a sea of black? Well the reasoning behind why the red carpet was a sea of black was in support of women who stand up against the sexual misconduct in Hollywood.

In recent months, there has been a lot of controversy around the depictions in the media and the accusations of many women towards the male treatment they were accustomed to whilst working in the film and media industry.

Whilst there have been some heavy hitting male names in the industry who have been accused such as Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and most recently James Franco, there is little that has been said to what the ramifications will be to these men and the resolutions passed down to the women who they have mistreated.

The Golden Globes this year took the fight Global with the #whywewearblack campaign. A public unity and declaration for willing participants to make the choice to stand up and speak out against the sexual misconducts of men against women in Hollywood.

In this modern age for unity and equal rights for all humans, not just women, the Eyes of Solotica team is proud that for once the media did not sensationalise the truth but merely, spoke it. To stand up and break the silence and give both victims and advocates to the cause a voice to finally speak their truths, that's a beautiful turning point in basic human rights.

In celebration of the #whywewearblack campaign, here our our favourite posts
1. Justin Timberlake and wife Jessica Biel

2. Oprah and her husband Steadman 
A post shared by Oprah (@oprah) on

3. Naomi Campbell

4. Lara Worthington

5. Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock
A post shared by therock (@therock) on

With an overwhelming amount of support shown by both men and women, there is no doubt that this social issue now has a conscious. For more new don't forget to head to www.eyesofsolotica.com


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