When it comes to Solotica , there is an abundance of online comparisons between the colours which can make choosing a colour for yourself hard. Things you need to take into account when choosing Solotica coloured lenses are: 1. Your skin colour - the lenses will ALWAYS look different on YOU once you are wearing them, certain colours "pop" against certain skin tones. 2. The shape of your eye and it's natural limbal ring - if you are wanting a more "natural looking" lens than stick to the basics. If you have the outer limbal ring, the Natural range is best for you, if you do not have the outer limbal ring, Hidrocor is best suited. If you are wanting to hide the limbal ring of your natural eye, Hidrocor will do so when worn. 3. Lighting and makeup in photos online - what you see isn't always what you get when it comes to online images. Most bloggers wear a lot of makeup which once again, changes how the lenses look based on the features, textures an...